Trabuco Canyon Water District
Home Sitemap ContactRecycled Water
The District produces non-potable water that provides a reliable and drought proof non-potable source of water, reducing the District's reliance on imported water supplies. Recycled water provides flexibility and reliability during drought conditions as imported water supplies diminish. Recycled water is wastewater that is purified through primary, secondary and tertiary treatment and is acceptable for most non-potable water purposes such as irrigation, commercial and industrial processes per Title 22 requirements. The District’s existing recycled water system provides the service area with a supplemental irrigation supply.
The District generates approximately 0.65 MGD of wastewater. The District’s wastewater collection system includes approximately 36 miles of sewers and interceptors ranging from 8 inches to 15 inches in diameter, 8 sewer lift stations, and 9 miles of force mains. The District owns and operates the RRWWTP that provides collection and treatment for developments on the east side of the service area. The RRWWTP is located in the Robinson Ranch development has a treatment capacity of 0.85 MGD, and the tertiary treated water is fed into the recycled water reservoir that has a storage capacity of 130 AF.
The District distinguishes between urban runoff and recycled water reclaimed at the treatment plant by designating the treated wastewater as reclaimed, and urban and captured runoff as recycled. This supply is used in the District's non-domestic water system. The District's recycled water system is supplied with tertiary treated water from the RRWWTP that is blended with urban runoff from Dove Lake as part of the District's Dry Season Water Recovery Project, also referred to as Urban Runoff Capture and Reuse Project. The local runoff from a section of Trabuco Highlands is captured at the Shadow Rock Detention Basin and conveyed to Dove Lake or recycled at the adjacent nursery. The remaining section of Trabuco Highlands plus most of Dove Canyon and Robinson Ranch is captured and stored in Dove Lake to augment the non-potable irrigation system. Aeration and vegetation controls in the lake improve the water quality.
Recycled water is used to irrigate parks, golf courses, and greenbelts in Robinson Ranch, Trabuco Highlands, and Dove Canyon Communities and offsets demand on imported potable water. The District’s recycled water is delivered via pipelines to customers within the District service area. The District’s recycled water distribution system consists of 5.1 miles of pipeline, two sets of booster pump stations with a total pumping capacity of 6,270 gpm, and two open reservoirs with a combined capacity of 545 million gallons.
The District annually produces approximately 800 AF of recycled water for their service area. This includes non-potable production from the Robinson Ranch treatment plant, urban runoff, and non-potable amounts pumped from Dove Lake.